James Baldwin: The price of the ticket

Location :
Cinema Galeries
Date :
City :
Language :
Partners :
Recognition BXL


Recognition is a program that aims to increase the visibility of African and African diaspora art, literature and culture via community based film screenings, workshops and expositions. It is an effort to identify, remember and acknowledge work that has for so long been marginalized and left on the sidelines from mainstream media.

Recognition is also a safe space that aims to break barriers, build a community and foster a spirit of citizenship, belonging and inclusion of audiences in Belgium and abroad. The recent economic and migration crisis has seen the rise of racism and exclusionary behavior across Europe instilling fear and uncertainty on minorities, migrants and anyone else who can be labeled as other. Now more than ever, there is an urgent need for spaces where minorities can come together, find stories that speak to their experiences and identities, and watch films that provide a more localized and personal engagement with their lives.


Founder and Curator: Lyse Ishimwe Nsengiyumva