The third edition

Theme :

Healing in the present through the past

Year :


“Healing in the present through the past.” Holistic wellbeing hinges on the premise that optimal health is not only based on the absence of disease, but on the living balance of the person as a whole. When it comes to holistic wellbeing, all the components that influence the health and balance of the body are taken into account. We base our vision of holistic health on the “Food for Thought” pyramid created by clinical social worker Laura McKibbin. According to her, we focus too much on healthy eating and exercise as primary determinants of good health. Although these may be important factors, we often forget the many other factors that are likely to have an even more profound impact on health. To make this visually clear, McKibbon has created a “Food for Thought” pyramid that challenges us to think about what really influences and improves our health. Factors such as Genetics, happiness, socio-economic factors, relationships and social support, purpose and meaning, humor, optimism and play, emotional resilience and finally exercise and nutritional advice. For each go these factors there will be activities throughout the month as a way to start a process and to raise our consciousness of how we as individuals and as a community can come together and work to improve our holistic wellbeing.